We aim at reinventing the way people connect with each other and make it seamless and quick. We envision a world where networking is effortless and accessible to everyone. We have created wetap smart products that make networking simpler and more value-adding so that people can focus on building meaningful connections that help them grow personally and professionally. We believe that technology can be a powerful force to bring people together, socially and professionally. wetap is just the beginning of what’s possible! We will continue innovating and improving our products so that we can help people connect with each other in new and exciting ways.
At wetap, we understand that a traditional business card can only capture a small part of a person’s identity. That’s why we’ve created a revolutionary way for individuals and businesses to share the entirety of who they are with just a single tap, eliminating all complexities and resource wastage. Networking should be a hassle-free task, that’s why wetap is dedicated to empowering individuals, teams, and businesses with a smart networking tool in their networking toolkit that is both reliable and effortless.
We believe that technology can sometimes be a barrier to establishing a meaningful and successful human connection but wetap helps break down those barriers. Leveraging the cutting-edge NFC technology, wetap enables people to showcase their passions, experiences, and values in a way that is simple, convenient, and effective.
It’s time to invest in an innovative online experience that keeps all your existing and prospective social and business connections up to date.